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CSharpShell Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AboutDialogAn about dialog
AutoCompletionClass to discovers which auto-completion possibilities there is from a string
BlockCommentThis state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a block comment (see Indentor)
BlockExpressionThis state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a block expression, that is within '{' and '}'
CharLiteralThis state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a char literal (see Indentor)
CommandHistoryStoreInterface to a class where the command history are stored. Can be used to retrieve old commands executed by the user and to select/deselect old commands (UI operation)
ConfigHandles storage of per-user configuration
CSharpShellThe main class for the GUI version of C#Shell
CSharpShellCliThe main class for the CLI version of C#Shell
DllAndNamespaceHandlingHandles storing and adding/removing of namespaces, paths, and dlls
DuplicateItemExceptionUsed when a second alike item is added to some object/container which can only handle one. For example with command methods in the ShellCommands class
EasyProcessUsed to easily execute some executable file
EolCommentThis state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering an end of line comment (see Indentor)
FileOpenDialogA file loader dialog
FileSaveAsDialogA file loader dialog
GeneratedSourceWindowWindows which displays the source code, generated from user input. The souce code will be compiled by mcs and executed if compilation is succesfull
GtkGuiMain class for the GTK GUI. The GUI windows should be started though this class
HelpUsed to get help messages for each shell command
IndentorClass to indent C# code
IReferenceSaveSerializableUsed to serialize/deserialize existing objects, without changing references to them (such as class or event handler references)
ItemInUseExceptionUsed when some item is in use and cannot be released
ItemSelectionA widget which can be used for selecting/deselecting (add/remove) some items. The user is presented with two lists. One with addable items and a list of added items
IUserCodeThis interface is implemented by the class encapsulating the compiled user code
ObservableWriterStreamUsed to redirect a stream to output-events
ParenthesisThis state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a parenthesis (see Indentor)
ProjectSettingsWindowA window where it is possible to view and set project options
SelectionFrameWidget where it is possible to select items from a list. The widget also contains a button
SetA set class
SetEnumeratorMakes foreach possible
ShellInterprets and executes the user commands
ShellCommandMarks a method as a shell command
ShellCommandsThis class handles the invokation of C#Shell's build-in commands
ShellWindowThe main GTK GUI window. It handles user input, output, command history view, and variables view
SourceEditorWidgetWidget to edit C# code
SourceViewerWidgetShows C# source code. It will be indented and keyword highlighted. It cannot be used for editing source code (use SourceEditorWidget)
StateDefines an Indentor state
StoringProcessUsed to earsily execute a shell command. But contrary to EasyProcess the output are stored within the class
StreamRedirectorUsed to redirect an output stream (StreamReader) to events of handler(string) -type. The class starts it owns thread to read from a StreamReader object. This is usefull when using System.Diagnostics.Process, as the process may block if the output and error stream are not from seperate threads
StringLiteralThis state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a string literal (see Indentor)
SubExpressionThis state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a subexpression
SwitchExpressionThis state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a switch expression (see Indentor)
ThreadProxyListen for events of type void MethodName(object o) and transmit them using ThreadNotify.WakeupMain(). The parameter are stored in a queue
TopBeginning state. There exsist only one of these and it on the top of state stack (see Indentor)
UtilContains various utility functions (static methods)
VariableViewerWidgetWidget used by GTK GUI to display the user variables
VariableWindowWindow which displays the user variables. The window is not really used anymore, as the ShellWindow can now display the user variables
WorkspaceClass to hold the user variables
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