AboutDialog | An about dialog |
AutoCompletion | Class to discovers which auto-completion possibilities there is from a string |
BlockComment | This state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a block comment (see Indentor) |
BlockExpression | This state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a block expression, that is within '{' and '}' |
CharLiteral | This state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a char literal (see Indentor) |
CommandHistoryStore | Interface to a class where the command history are stored. Can be used to retrieve old commands executed by the user and to select/deselect old commands (UI operation) |
Config | Handles storage of per-user configuration |
ConfigVariables | |
CSharpShell | The main class for the GUI version of C#Shell |
CSharpShellCli | The main class for the CLI version of C#Shell |
DllAndNamespaceHandling | Handles storing and adding/removing of namespaces, paths, and dlls |
DuplicateItemException | Used when a second alike item is added to some object/container which can only handle one. For example with command methods in the ShellCommands class |
EasyProcess | Used to easily execute some executable file |
EolComment | This state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering an end of line comment (see Indentor) |
FileDialog | |
FileOpenDialog | A file loader dialog |
FileSaveAsDialog | A file loader dialog |
GeneratedSourceWindow | Windows which displays the source code, generated from user input. The souce code will be compiled by mcs and executed if compilation is succesfull |
GtkGui | Main class for the GTK GUI. The GUI windows should be started though this class |
Help | Used to get help messages for each shell command |
Indentor | Class to indent C# code |
IndentorLexer | |
InternalErrorException | |
IReferenceSaveSerializable | Used to serialize/deserialize existing objects, without changing references to them (such as class or event handler references) |
ItemAlreadyAddedException | |
ItemDoNotExsistsException | |
ItemInUseException | Used when some item is in use and cannot be released |
ItemLockedException | |
ItemNotAvailableException | |
ItemSelection | A widget which can be used for selecting/deselecting (add/remove) some items. The user is presented with two lists. One with addable items and a list of added items |
IUserCode | This interface is implemented by the class encapsulating the compiled user code |
Graph::Node | |
NotADirectoryException | |
ObservableWriterStream | Used to redirect a stream to output-events |
Parenthesis | This state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a parenthesis (see Indentor) |
PathDoNotExistsException | |
ProjectSettingsWindow | A window where it is possible to view and set project options |
SelectionFrame | Widget where it is possible to select items from a list. The widget also contains a button |
Set | A set class |
SetEnumerator | Makes foreach possible |
Shell | Interprets and executes the user commands |
ShellCommand | Marks a method as a shell command |
ShellCommands | This class handles the invokation of C#Shell's build-in commands |
ShellWindow | The main GTK GUI window. It handles user input, output, command history view, and variables view |
SourceEditorWidget | Widget to edit C# code |
SourceViewerWidget | Shows C# source code. It will be indented and keyword highlighted. It cannot be used for editing source code (use SourceEditorWidget) |
State | Defines an Indentor state |
StoringProcess | Used to earsily execute a shell command. But contrary to EasyProcess the output are stored within the class |
StreamRedirector | Used to redirect an output stream (StreamReader) to events of handler(string) -type. The class starts it owns thread to read from a StreamReader object. This is usefull when using System.Diagnostics.Process, as the process may block if the output and error stream are not from seperate threads |
StringLiteral | This state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a string literal (see Indentor) |
SubExpression | This state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a subexpression |
SwitchExpression | This state is pushed to the Indentor state stack when encountering a switch expression (see Indentor) |
ThreadProxy | Listen for events of type void MethodName(object o) and transmit them using ThreadNotify.WakeupMain(). The parameter are stored in a queue |
Top | Beginning state. There exsist only one of these and it on the top of state stack (see Indentor) |
Util | Contains various utility functions (static methods) |
VariableViewerWidget | Widget used by GTK GUI to display the user variables |
VariableWindow | Window which displays the user variables. The window is not really used anymore, as the ShellWindow can now display the user variables |
Workspace | Class to hold the user variables |
yyIndentorLexer | |